Spring is in the air, and you know what that means: lamb season! It also means no vacations (wait--there were no vacations related to COVID-19 anyway), early morning check-ins and late night peeks into the sheep pen to check on the Mama Gotlands. But it's all worth it when those lambs arrive! There is nothing like being present when a new lamb arrives. The mothers have a certain deep soft rumble they make to welcome and bond with their lambs. We were lucky to get some GREAT lambs this year. Just check this little ewe lamb out! The lambs have been getting used to the world around them. They've been bouncing around the yard, getting a lot of pets and snuggles from the family, and meeting one of their neighbors, the chickens. We raise happy and friendly sheep. Our three ewes were bred on to Jerome, 89.84% Sindarve line genetics. Charlotte had her twin rams (12 lbs and 9 lbs respectively) on 04/16/20; Saga followed on 05/29/20 with a single ewe lamb with impeccable confirmation and consistent curl; Jane delivered twins-one ewe, one ram on 06/05/20. These lambs are growing quickly and would be a beautiful addition to your flock. Please call or email to discuss pricing. We will also begin accepting wait lists for Spring 2021 lambs.